In the pursuit of balance and affirmative action, each Invader is made of fired rounds, a crushed gun; this is the work of McCrow. Each Invader is signed and uniquely numbered. To make each Invader, a surplus or illicit weapon is destroyed.
“It started so innocently. Tomohiro Nishikado’s Space Invader was the first thing I ever shot at and blew up. 4 decades later I look around at a world that spends over $1,700,000,000,000 on weapons, producing 14 billion rounds of ammunition every year and wonder, have we become war, the space invader incarnate.”
You have probably just saved a life. It is worth taking a moment to apricate that!
It is estimated there is a gun for every five people on the planet. Often following years of conflict, many of them end up temporarily obsolete, surplus and stored in unsecured stockpiles. Left unchecked, these small arms and ammunition continue to be a direct threat to local people, as illicit armed groups continue to steal, smuggle and sell them on, where they continue to be the cause of terrible acts of social control, racial and ethnic prejudice and punitiveness around the world.
By taking these surplus and illicit weapons out of action McCrow’s Invaders create a new life for each gun, acknowledging its dark past, consequently changing forever that guns future and with it the lives of those who continue to live and work in regions ravaged by conflict.

War and guns have long had an extraordinary and terrible influence over us. There are those who glorify them, those that subjugate through them and those who suffer by them. McCrow’s Invaders capture this polarising behaviour and brings the subject into the 21st Century, with a little inspiration from the Seventies.
It is not about whether you like guns or dislike guns, it is about the simple fact that there are too many and 1,000 people a day are dying as a result of them.
“Wherever you find yourself on the spectrum of the gun control narrative, I think we can all agree, we should destroy the surplus and illicit stockpiles. After all, it is the guns we sold that we pay in lives to defend ourselves” – McCrow.
Guns are a part of popular culture. They are embedded in our arts, integral to many of our favourite games and films are in all likelihood, to remain so for many generations to come.
McCrow Invaders support One Less Gun and their dedication to the destruction of surplus and illicit weaponry before they find their way to the Black Market.
McCrow INVADERS simply say, acknowledge the problem, enjoy the solution.
If you would like to help, there are many ways in which you can that won’t cost any money, simply tweet, post and share our imagery via the links in the Shop and the Gallery and don’t forget to subscribe.
McCrow is an international artist based in London. Working with film producers like Martin Scorsese and Jamie Foxx, pioneering the social media campaigns #onelessgun and #gunneutral. His work can be found in galleries around the world with notable exhibits at Maddox London, Maddox Los Angeles, Guggenheim New York and Madrid, Opera Gallery London, Halcyon Fine Art, and London Southbank.
One Less Gun
Dedicated to the destruction of surplus and illicit guns. This action saves lives, stabilise communities and makes for a safer world.

One Less Homeless
Using heavy industry to eradicate homelessness. Giving the homeless a home, infrastructure and the stability to build a better life for themselves.

AK47 Kalashnikov’s Dream; a film starring Richard E Grant and Steve Berkoff capturing the life and conscience of Michael Antonov Kalashnikov, the inventor of the AK47.
AK47 Kalashnikov’s Dream; a film starring Richard E Grant and Steve Berkoff capturing the life and conscience of Michael Antonov Kalashnikov, the inventor of the AK47.
AK47 Kalashnikov's Dream from McCrow on Vimeo.
McCrow Invaders are, conscientious, contentious, controversial and contradictory, all sound ingredients for any artist to work with.
Collaborate with at least one Invader, your entry can take any form, a sculpture, composition or the photograph itself. There is no limit to the number of entries.
Simply post your art to your Instagram with the following tags in the comment section; @McCrowart, @McCrow_Invaders, #onelessgun and #artofdisarmament.
The best of each year will be selected for the opportunity to exhibit in a contemporary art gallery in London or New York alongside McCrow and other artists works by Damien Hirst, Retna, Raphael Mazzucco, David Yarrow, Brainwash.
Contact Us to find out more about private commissions. All proceeds go to for the furtherance of the projects of One Less, a UK registered charity, number 1154662.
This is a private commission produced in New York in 2019. A familiar presentation of the first shoot’em up presented in 1978; the protective home shields depicted as, Syria, Iraq, Iran Afghanistan, underscored with the cost of that conflict to date. It raises the question, who is the Invader and who defender and is it the enemy, the lives or the credit that will bring an end to this theatre of war?
From 1962, when John F Kennedy instituted PAL encoding [Permissive Action Link] on nuclear weapons, until 1977, the combination to fire the devastating missiles at the height of the Cold War was just 00000000.
For nearly 20 years, the secret code to authorize launching U.S. nuclear missiles, and starting World War III, was terrifyingly simple and even noted down on a checklist.
This was chosen by Strategic Air Command in an effort to make the weapons as quick and as easy to launch as possible.
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